Content Delivery Network (CDN) security is an important topic for distributors, TV operators, and content owners across the nation and the world. CDN security is designed to protect data in the delivery workflow process from theft and loss without compromising excellence in user streaming experiences. While CDNs—the systems and workflows by which digital content is processed and distributed to audiences with efficient and seamless delivery—are effective, security is always a top priority. As more and more content delivery network (CDN) operators transition their applications and business processes to cloud-based servers, CDN security is a growing concern.  

CDN Security Risks  

As a third-party company or current owner of content delivery networks (CDNs) that support businesses or simply need to get content distributed, cybersecurity risks are no secret. Third party vulnerabilities as well as company CDN provider vulnerabilities are considered enormous risks. A CDN security breach is not only a serious event that could impact a number of parties, the victims of such cybersecurity attacks may suffer drastic productivity and business consequences. Some CDN security risks include data theft, data loss, blockage from data, data inaccuracy, user inefficiency, reduced bandwidth and slows speeds, to name a few. With heightened CDN security, these risks can all be mitigated or even prevented.   

How to Ensure CDN Security  

CDNs are essential to website owners and other operators that aim to support online visitors with content—whether from a distance, across states and countries, or right down the street. In any case, companies have a common goal and that is to deliver a seamless user experience and that experience must also include CDN security. Without it, company assets are vulnerable which in turn opens the door for cybersecurity breaches. There are many specific CDN security solutions to prevent content distributors, TV operators, and others from landing in this vulnerable position.  

The Right Security Approach  

Companies must take the right steps to ensure their CDN usage does not compromise the security of websites, services, applications, etc. Consider some comprehensive CDN security alternatives that address the unique needs in the content delivery industry while maintaining quality user experiences in terms of bandwidth, seamless viewing, and more.   

  • Digital rights management (DRM) protection measures include the access control technologies to restrict the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works. Use multiple-DRM solutions or embedded DRM solutions.  
  • Video content authority system (VCAS) is a software-based, IP-centric protection for various content deployments. 
  • Watermarking is a common practice that is fast-becoming a significant security measure in which content is protected by an identifying image or pattern.
  • Authentication is available in varying methods including two-factor authentication and human recognition designed to heighten content security.  
  • Application protection is established at the app level to provide added security without impacting the end user. 
  • Web app firewalls are a common legacy security method that continues to show improvements as technology expands. 


CDN security is no longer a simple out-of-the-box solution but rather a comprehensive strategy that is established based on customer needs and environments. With the right CDN security solutions, companies who use CDNs to get their content out can expect positive results and reduced risks even at a time when cybersecurity threats are at an all-time high.  

What To Expect With CDN Security 

With proven cloud-based services, owners expect secure yet seamless user experiences across platforms. CDN security integration is an important consideration as companies prepare for the present and the future while technological advances continue to present security challenges. The goal for many businesses must be simple, effective CDN security solutions that do not impact users and customers but keep content safe and protected. The right CDN security solutions should protect company revenue and digital content without user compromise.